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Poynt Smart Terminal (Wi-Fi)

The Next Evolution In Business Technology

Merchants can now utilize the newest in payment technology to best manage their business like never before with the Poynt Smart Terminal. Give your business the flexibility you need with the very best in features like a hybrid card reader, built-in printer and tons of options for connections all at a price you can appreciate. Poynt Smart Terminal is future proof and accepts all of the latest payment options, so it’s ready for the future of payment processing.

  • Dual-facing screens, built-in printer, and 2 built-in camera scanners. 7” touchscreen display.
  • Branding ready. Upload your logo or any other images to your terminal.
  • Manage your reporting from your phone, terminal, or computer.
  • Connectivity- WiFi and Ethernet w/ Static IP or Optional 3G.
  • Pay-at-the-table ready.
Manufacturer: Poynt
Delivery date: 1-2 days

All payments, accepted all the time

You offer your customers the products and services they love; don't forget to let them pay the way they like. 






Mag Stripe


Gift Card






Credit Card


Pin on Glass

What is the Poynt Smart Terminal?

The Poynt Smart Terminal is a future-proof payment terminal with the limitless versatility of a mobile device, all at an affordable price. Built to meet the highest PCI and EMV security requirements, the Poynt Smart Terminal runs PoyntOS. This allows developers to create management technology and tools for your business without having to pay for any additional hardware.

Mobile and Convenient

The terminal is a highly mobile system. Move around your store, take orders from customers waiting in line, take curbside pickup payments and you can even take it with you to do inventory in the storage room. Thanks to its 3G/4G modem, you can also bring it on deliveries or the farmer’s market. You can charge your system by placing it on it’s dock or through the micro USB connection located on the side of the device or resting it on the dock.

Advanced Applications

There are numerous Poynt applications that come installed out of the box: Terminal, Register, Manual Entry, Settlement, and Help. Access monitoring and analytics tools from the terminal, the Poynt website, Android, and iPhones. Partnering developers also offer a great number of applications. Paired with the power of the terminal, development of apps will continue in growth.

Accept All Forms of Payment

Payment types are constantly changing. With the Poynt Smart Terminal, you’ll never have to worry about turning down a customer based on how they want to pay. Whether it’s EMV cards, gift cards or good old cash, you will have the means to run any card without issue.

Modern Alternative Payments

QR codes can be used for a variety of things including coupons, payments and item identifiers. The Smart Terminal can scan QR codes just like any other barcode. Thanks to the increased usage of NFC payments, the Smart Terminal takes all NFC payments including Apple Pay and Android Pay. Bluetooth payments enable a phone to securely and wirelessly communicate with the payment terminal. A nice advantage of Bluetooth is that the customer can pay from their phone while sitting at a table across the room or even while standing in line.

Integration and Flexibility

The Smart Terminal was built with the ability to integrate with pre-existing cash registers, cash drawers, scales, ticket printers, scanners, and other peripherals. Not all equipment has been tested and confirmed, but with the PoyntOS on the open Android platform, there is a growing list of accessories that have been certified to work with the Poynt Smart Terminal.

Secured and Reliable

The Poynt Smart Terminal has a processor dedicated completely to the security of payment information that ensures nothing leaves without being encrypted. The terminal uses end-to-end encryption powered by PCI-approved crypto algorithms to transmit all sensitive payment information.